The Last Movie Ride_peliplat

The Last Movie Ride (2021)

TV-PG (US) | USA | English | 81 min
Directed by: Brett Gerking

The year is 1927. It is the Grand Opening of the Tampa Theatre, in Tampa, Florida. This ornate movie palace opens to the public with a huge embrace and memories are made. Nearly 100 years later, the MPV Crew assembles an historic group of former and current employees and fans who went through history at this theatre to tell their stories and share their memories of this Tampa Florida treasure. Meet Jill Witecki, Manager at the time of the Tampa Theatre. Jill gives the cameras an exclusive inside tour of a John Eberson designed movie palace and shows the audience places not seen by the public. Her knowledge of the history of the Theatre is extensive and many stories are vividly told with exclusive archival footage. John Eberson, the architect of the Tampa Theatre, tells his story in his own words and the inspiration of the Theatre is uncovered. Meet Rob Mueller, a former Usher at the Theater int he 1960s and who's Father work as well. Mr. Mueller shares his colorful memories of the people of the Theater and goes backstage for the first time in 50 years. John Bohannon was an usher in the 1950s at the Tampa Theatre and shares all of his memories of his time here that is discovered was a huge part of his life. He also knew personally the Projectionist Fink Finley, who's legend grew as his story unfolded. Real history unfolded on the steps of the Tampa Theatre including a trip by US President John F. Kennedy just days before his assassination. Martin Luther King was also staging his very first protests in the Tampa area that was covered by newsreels that were shown at Theaters. Both stories are told for the first time in a Film.

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Last Movie Ride
(Original title)
The Last Movie Ride
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes