Baladi (My Country)_peliplat

Baladi (My Country) (2021)

None | USA | English | 14 min
Directed by: Jenna Bosco

When Gamal's roommate Khaled tells him he can no longer live with him for fear of an ICE Raid, Gamal is forced to find a new place to live. At the same time, Fritzie is feeling insecure about living alone in a big house, so she hangs up an ad at the diner in a search of a tenant. Gamal is a new immigrant who washes dishes at a diner in suburban New Jersey. Fritzie is a Jewish widow grieving the sudden and tragic loss of her husband. Both are lonely and experiencing emotional uncharted territory. Gamal befriends his coworker at the diner, Jose, who encourages Gamal to call Fritzie, the funny friendly Jewish lady that everybody knows. Gamal is hesitant because he is a young Muslim immigrant who doesn't speak English well, but Jose convinces him to call her. When Gamal calls, Fritzie's daughter, Rachel, answers and hangs up, thinking it is the wrong number. When Rachel finds out her mother is looking for a tenant, Rachel pressures Fritzie to sell her house and come live with her instead, but Fritzie refuses. Frustrated and without a place to live, Gamal goes to the local park to play soccer with Jose and his friends for some fun. Lonely and depressed after boxing up her late husband's clothing, Fritzie goes to the park to watch the soccer game. After the game is over, Gamal notices Fritzie watching, and he goes to sit by her. The two of them begin talking, and laughing, and learning about each other, and we witness the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Jersey City, New Jersey) (premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Baladi (My Country)
(Original title)
Baladi (My Country)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes