No Man's Land_peliplat
No Man's Land_peliplat

No Man's Land (2021)

Tous publics (FR) | France, USA | French | 107 min
Directed by: Clayton Burkhart

They got off the last train at Abbesses, a deep metro station in Montmartre, Paris. 9 tired men and a drag queen skip the lengthy stairs and take the elevator. The door closes, but jams. The station closes down for the night. They're stuck. Between the ages of 17 and 70, from different backgrounds and social classes, they have little in common, other than their gender. They try to work together to unlock the door, to get help. And fail. As a group, as individuals, as a conversation. But a long night is ahead of them, confined and bored, anxious and indifferent, submissive and aggressive, forgotten and found - to break free, to grow up, to discover what it is to be a man in the 21 century.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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