She Loves Me_peliplat
She Loves Me_peliplat

She Loves Me (2020)

None | Hungary, USA | Hungarian, English | 47 min
Directed by: Benkö Imola Orsolya, Szilágyi Szabolcs

In 2019, we decided to do it in the language of the theatre. Then the virus came in a soapy mask and forced us to be indoors. So much for the trial process. But because it is not in our nature to be dissuaded, we thought of something. If it is now illegal to sneeze right at each other's faces, this should be a quarantine movie. So, we asked beloved and important creators to recite the texts of Esterházy in a camera. Or a phone. Or a washing machine. Whatever is at hand. Send them in, this will be the movie. Not a distance-keeping pixel-recital. A montage. Upon hearing that word, the arts bachelorettes around the foosball table whisper into the boys' ears: it is an imaginary documentary, just as the French Bazin has written. The Russian Eizenstein would, however, say that it is completely passionate, emotional. The guys would shrug, saying there is no need to be so fancy, it's a simple cut. Iron Man beats the bad guy. It is edited together, done and done. The girls spat, montage is an art, you morons, their desire fading. Our movie doesn't tell a story. It's an imprint of an experience we all shared. Poetic images through the texts of Esterházy. Of desire, of its complete lack. How was life during the lockdown, how much did one miss living like before? A poetic mould of our times. How could we be close to each other? What did the lockdown awaken in us? What became important? We wanted to reach out for others. The making and screening of this movie were approved by successors of Péter Esterházy, and their representatives of Proscenium Szerzöi Ügynökség Kft.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Belvárosi Mozi, Szeged)
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
She Loves Me
(Original title)
Egy nő
Hungary (new title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes