Company of Thieves: Pressure_peliplat

Company of Thieves: Pressure (2009)

None | USA | English | 4 min
Directed by: J.P. Riley

Shot entirely on Super 16mm film, the video will consist of a simply filmed performance piece tightly woven within visually astonishing concept footage. The video opens on an old Victorian mansion located in a visually "poetic" part of town; run-down buildings, alleys, and abandoned warehouses. We push in on the Mansion. Inside, the scene unfolds in a small, dark, dramatically lit living room with a 50's-era film noir and Americana feel. It's a bit run-down and at first glance looks simple: a picture window, ornate picture frames on the wall, a doorway, and a hanging lamp. Genevieve is sitting alone in an armchair, her face in shadow; a beautiful, odd, and lonely sight. The camera slowly moves forward as she performs. We see she's writing down some lyrics on a sheet of paper in front of her. Behind Gen, through the doorway, Company of Thieves performing on a dark, dramatically lit bandstand. The large dining room of the mansion is a strikingly designed and stylized set: high ceilings, walls covered with black silk, dimly lit with candles and white Christmas lights, and antique ornaments everywhere. Satisfied with her words, Genevieve joins the band. Shortly after the drums begin, the seemingly simple scene changes: we dissolve through a series of flashbacks in which various individuals who have inhabited the house over the years appear, going about their daily routines as if the band isn't even there (as the band continues to perform with great passion.) One thing we instantly notice about EACH ONE of the past inhabitants: they're all performers in the creative arts, and they're all seen earnestly attempting to hone their chosen craft.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Company of Thieves: Pressure
(Original title)
Company of Thieves: Pressure
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes