Angels of Dust_peliplat
Angels of Dust_peliplat

Angels of Dust (2022)

None | Netherlands | English | 96 min
Directed by: Michael Lasoff

Dark, moody, inertly distant, Natasha Caspian, is crushed by a break-up with her friend and her inability to become an actress. She bumps into, Vada Indigo, a mischievous eccentric who initiates Natasha into the "Secret Theater" where charismatic, demanding director, Emmanuel Fox, leads a manic human development group called "Angels of Dust". Based on ancient Greek rites, his technique is a deadly game immersed in supernatural undercurrents where reality and fantasy are deliberately manipulated. Natasha fights not only for her sanity but for her very survival.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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