A man and a woman smoke weed from a bong while in bed together.
A man smokes a hit of weed alone in his parked car.
Six underage kids drink beer in a dorm room together.
A fictional drug called "pink-runners" is introduced as an extreme liquid hallucinogenic that you insert into your eye-ball. Four young men participate in this drug trip and one of them does not make it through alive.
At a party a man is offered a pill by a woman who is on ecstasy. He turns her down.
A man and a woman smoke weed out of a bong. They then proceed to have sex.
Two men enter a rave together. They are surrounded by people on ecstasy.
In a back room at a rave, a man is seen cutting up a mountain of cocaine. It is implied that his is selling the coke along with other drugs to people at the rave.
A man sniffs a line of cocaine.
A man forces his friend to do "pink-runners" with him by shooting it into his eye-ball while he is tied up with rope and duct tape.