Miss Match_peliplat

Miss Match (2014)

U (IN) | India | Marathi | 162 min
Directed by: Girish Vasaikar, Alok Shrivastav

Follows a girl Priya (Mrinmai Kolwalkar) and her search for her perfect match. Priya is the only daughter of a U.S based N.R.I business man Suryakant Samarth (Uday Tikekar). Like every father Suryakant Samarth wants his daughter to get married. But Priya does'nt believe in arranged marriages and asks her father to give her a time of 2 years in which she will find a perfect match for herself, she also convinces him to send her to Pune for her post graduation course. Her father agrees but puts a condition that if she fails to do so in the given time she will have to marry a person of his choice. One and half years is already over and Priya has not found her match yet but Priya has still not given up hopes. Mira who is Priya's cousin, college mate & confidante suggests her to imagine and visualise the man she is longing for and assures her of finding the man of her dream by doing so. Priya follows that and suddenly declares to her friends of having a boyfriend. She describes in detail her imaginary boyfriend his name, looks, job etc. Her friends are shocked by this inpromptu boyfriend theory. But to Priya's surprise a man called Raj (Bhushan Pradhan) enters her life and his profile matches completely to the imaginary profile created by her. Priya confronts Raj and asks him to reveal his identity to her, he denies but at the same time takes efforts to win her confidence and create a place for himself in Priya's life. Priya's situation gets more complicated since Raj keeps his identity concealed but continues to pursue her and on the other hand the given time is running out and her father is lining up marriage propsals for her. The pressure,confusion & dilemma is built up in Priya's life.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Miss Match
(Original title)
Miss Match
India (English title)
Miss Match
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes