Camp Manna_peliplat

Camp Manna (2018)

PG (AU) | USA | English | 91 min
Directed by: Eric Scott Johnson, Eric Machiela

A stylistic throwback to the summer camp films of the 80's and 90's, Camp Manna is the story of a Christian camp turned upside-down by the arrival of the wayward "new kid", Ian Fletcher. After a tragic accident, Ian Fletcher, a 15-year old Floridian, moves far north to live with his aunt and uncle. Shortly after his arrival, Ian is shipped off to Camp Manna, a backwoods Evangelical Christian camp soaked in baffling religious sub-culture. Camp Manna is centered around the God Games, a Biblically-themed Olympiad focused on turning boys into "men of faith". But as a "nonbeliever", this is the last place in the world that Ian wants to spend a week. He is bunked up with the Passover Privates, the cabin of outcasts and misfits, and their zealous, un-cool counselor Bradley Sommers. But when Ian is introduced to Clayton Vance, the savvy and chiseled counselor of the Righteous Regiment, he has one focus: Ditch Bradley and join up with Clayton. But as the God Games approach, Ian realizes that Clayton may not be as "cool" as he claims to be and his choice to ditch the Passover Privates and join the Righteous Regiment may end up being the worst decision of his life. Camp Manna blends hilarious comedy with loving nostalgia. This "satire with soul" reminds us that getting to the heart of something is best told with laughter.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Camp Manna
(Original title)
O Acampamento de Férias
Camp Manna
Canada (English title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes