LOMO: The Language of Many Others_peliplat

LOMO: The Language of Many Others (2017)

12 (DE) | Germany | German, English, French | 101 min
Directed by: Julia Langhof

"There are only two states in life: Boredom or panic." This is the philosophy of life of 17-year-old Karls, who is bored with his life in an affluent district of Berlin. He lives here with his parents Krista and Michael and his twin sister Anna. The architect couple wants to offer their two children, who are about to graduate from high school, every opportunity. But while the ambitious Anna is already planning her studies in Canada, Karl prefers to devote himself to his blog "The language of many others". The others are his followers, who have built up a cult around Karl's blog and his anonymous persona. Online, no one knows him; here, Karl is also just one of many others. On his blog, he also posts personal recordings of his family. Karl films a dinner together and uploads the clip to his blog, which puts his relationship with his father to the test. When Karl falls in love with his new classmate Doro, he finally thinks he knows what he wants. Doro also takes a liking to her headstrong and rebellious classmate, but drops him again after a brief affair. For Karl it is now clear: nothing is real, everything is arbitrary. Disillusioned and hurt, he begins a dangerous game and publishes an intimate video of himself and Doro. His parents are furious, also because Doro's mother is in the senate and has the power to decide on an important building project. They want their son to finally take responsibility for his life. But Karl shows no remorse and chooses a different path: he confides in his followers on the net and loses himself in the virtual world. His followers take over more and more power over his life and guide his decisions from now on - in the end even those about life and death .

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Munich International Film Festival)
(Schlingel Film Festival)
(Zurich Film Festival)
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
LOMO: The Language of Many Others
(Original title)
L'avis de tous les autres
LOMO: The Language of Many Others
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes