Graphic violence throughout: torture, mutilation, stabbing, gunshots, blunt force head trauma
A man is hit hard in the head with a bat, we see how it destroys the face and skull, very graphic
A woman with a hallucinogen, attacks the neck of a man with her mouth, we see how the skin starts and lots of blood, then she bathes in the same blood
A dog is stabbed by streaming video, then we see how a woman is thrown out of a window,
A woman with a hallucinogen bites her arm herself, we see the skin with blood and muscle coming out, very graphic
A woman is attacked with a chainsaw by a transvestite, cutting off her arm and then destroying her legs, very explicit and bloody
A man is brutally cut in the neck with a chainsaw
A young man is attacked with a syringe in one eye, then we see that he is forced to hit his face with a wall, very graphic
A young man writes with blood in a window, then is killed with several shots
A man with a mask is killed from behind with an ax, very graphic.
a young man violently hits his face repeatedly, very bloody
a young man opens a dead man's stomach with a knife, looks graphic and then spreads the blood in his body