Blues Run the Game: The Strange Tale of Jackson C. Frank_peliplat
Blues Run the Game: The Strange Tale of Jackson C. Frank_peliplat

Blues Run the Game: The Strange Tale of Jackson C. Frank

None | France | English |
Directed by: Damien Aimé Dupont
This title has not premiered yet

In the mid-60s, Jackson C. Frank released a masterpiece of folk music in Britain. This young American songwriter was close to Simon & Garfunkel, Bert Jansch, John Renbourn, Al Stewart, Roy Harper, Sandy Denny and many others. All of them were influenced by this enigmatic and tormented character. Shortly after the release of his unique album, he disappeared. Wrecked by a series of tragedies in his life, he chose to cut himself off from the world and got trapped by his demons. Still today, young musicians like John Mayer, Laura Marling or Robin Pecknold perform Blues Run the Game. This documentary follows Jackson C. Frank's footsteps to unknot the threads of a tragic destiny. Facts and songs don't express everything about a man, a personality. Who was Jackson C. Frank? Who remembers him? Where to find meaning, or even light, in a life as dark as his?

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Blues Run the Game: The Strange Tale of Jackson C. Frank
(Original title)
Blues Run the Game: The Strange Tale of Jackson C. Frank
Blues Run the Game: The Strange Tale of Jackson C. Frank
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes