Nothing Better_peliplat

Nothing Better (2015)

G (AU) | Australia | English | 7 min
Directed by: Salik Silverstein

Sophie's husband Sam has run off with a younger woman and with the help of some expensive lawyers is evicting Sophie from the family home. Her belongings are packed ready for the movers the next morning. That night she says goodbye with a candle lit dinner for one, with her favorites of prawns, caviar and champagne.The next day the movers collect her boxes and she closes the doors to a former life. One week later Sam moves back into the house with Penelope, his new love. But something is not right. Penelope is taken aback by the smell of the house. She doesn't like it at all. Sam smells it too. He attributes the smell as a result of the house being locked up and opens all the windows and doors to let in fresh air. That night, in bed, the last thing on Penelope's mind is passion; she can't get the smell out of her nostrils. She is not liking the house at all. Sam disappointed and frustrated decides to bring in cleaners to deodorize the place- top to bottom. The next day the cleaners vacuum, scrub and clean every inch of the house. One week later the smell hasn't gone. Sam and Penelope spray the house with air-fresheners but nothing helps. Finally Penelope breaks down to Sam. Her friends don't want to visit anymore, the cleaners have given up and the plumber has found nothing wrong with the pipes or sewerage. Sam concedes that it is time to move out. The house now has a "For Sale" sign. But there are no takers as the buyers are driven out by the smell. Six weeks later Sam and Penelope are signing the papers to their new home when Sophie calls. What happens next will surprise you and put a smile on your face.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Nothing Better
(Original title)
Nothing Better
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes