Wonder When You'll Miss Me_peliplat
Wonder When You'll Miss Me_peliplat

Wonder When You'll Miss Me (2019)

T (IT) | Italy, Slovenia | Italian | 90 min
Directed by: Francesco Fei

Amanda is seventeen and has a difficult past. To face the world, she has created an imaginary, exuberant and politically incorrect friend who guides her in the greatest challenges: grow and take possession of her life. Her story is about courage and determination, it's adventurous and romantic, but at the same time ferocious and yet funny. The film is based on Wonder when you'll miss me, the second book by Amanda Davis, an American writer who died prematurely. A road movie through physical and mental boundaries, running from the past and looking for a possible future.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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