
Hunted (2017)

15 (GB) | UK | English | 5 min
Directed by: Owen Tooth

Sam, 20s, a ruthlessly ambitious workaholic, travels abroad to seal a deal worth millions to his employer. On arrival he discovers his hotel has no internet and hunts down a local bar with wi-fi. In the bar is a group of holidaying friends, recently arrived and planning their adventure. Two of the friends become involved in an argument with the bar manager, resulting in the police being called and the group being thrown in the back of the police van, along with Sam. Forced to take a remote mountain detour, the speeding police van hits an unrecognisable creature in the road, and careers off the road and crashes down a steep hillside. The shaken tourists break free from the back of the van and are shocked to discover both policemen dead, along with the horrific remains of the creature. Panicked and stranded in a strange land in the middle of the night, they aim for the shining sanctuary of a distant hill station, where a phone-coordinated rescue crew will meet them at first light. On their way, the unnerved group clash with each other, but any arguments are soon forgotten when they hear eerie calls from the surrounding forest and realise they are being stalked by more of these creatures. Terrified, they battle through the unforgiving terrain, experiencing some truly horrific encounters with their nightmarish pursuers, and eventually stumble upon an old mining settlement, where they strike up an unlikely allegiance with its sole surviving occupants; an aged man and his old warrior dog. Together they plan a last stand against the horrific creatures - an attempt to distract and outwit the creatures in order to escape and reach the safe haven of the hill station. It's an explosive and terrifying race against time played over one brief, tragic night.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes