Manny TV Pilot_peliplat
Manny TV Pilot_peliplat

Manny TV Pilot

None | USA |
Directed by: David Lauritz
This title has not premiered yet

Manny Synopsis Manny is a complex and intriguing story about a boxer who is trying to find redemption and his identity. He was trained to fight at a young age and did exceptionally well due to the discipline of his father. Before he became a boxer, he was close to his kind and gentle mother, who raised him on her own. His father, a naval officer and a boxer, came home from serving overseas. Manny's father saw the potential in Manny and trained him how to fight. Manny then dedicated his whole life to become a great boxer, doing whatever it takes. This dedication came with a price. Manny kept everyone away from his life, especially his family and friends. He became a stranger to everyone. When he reached his mid-20s, his boxing career took off, winning one fight after another, but then something tragic happened, his mother died from being ill. Manny was devastated, runs away from home, away from his family and starts a new life. He continues to fight because that's the only thing he knew how to do, but the guilt from his mother's death grew deeper.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Manny TV Pilot
(Original title)
Manny TV Pilot
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes