A Woman's Touch_peliplat

A Woman's Touch (2016)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Anson Hsu

The perfect man has fallen in love with the woman of his dreams. In everyone's eyes, Blaire and Lukas are the most perfect, beautiful, prestigious couple. He's the successful CEO of a tech company, whilst she's a famous luxury designer. Lukas gives Blaire everything he has and devotes his life to making her the happiest woman on earth. However, the good times are short. Slowly, the marriage takes them on a downhill roller coaster of emotions. He gifts her the dream life he thought she always desired, but she isn't satisfied. As Blaire grows more and more frustrated with his obliviousness, her psycho personality is born. During the final fight, the end of many, she calls him 'trash', insults their marriage, and even smashes a beer bottle on his head. She goes completely berserk. He tries to seeks help from everyone around him, but in return, gets laughed at and called a "coward". No one will lend a hand nor believe his struggles. He loves her too much to leave and firmly believes he is the poison to her life. Blaire doesn't stop at anything. She even threatens to accuse him of abuse, divorce him, take the custody of their child...until he's driven to the end of his life. She is abusive. He is a victim. Society views every domestic fight with a biased perspective and doesn't realize men are victims of domestic abuse. We need to bring social awareness regarding this topic before more people become victims. Abuse is abuse, regardless of the gender.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
A Woman's Touch
(Original title)
A Woman's Touch
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes