The film has an overall violent tone, but there is no gore.
A character murders 1,000 people to collect their souls in order to save his partner.
Two men lure women and children to a supposed opera, only to murder them all after the first act.
A man attempts to kill a child.
A man is impaled and dies instantly. His body erupts into petals, which are representative of the souls of the people he killed.
Two women are held captive and eventually killed by another character.
The show opens with a child about to be sacrificed to the devil. This is disturbing visually.
There is battle sequence between all the characters, no one is hurt.
A cult (almost) sacrifices a child to the devil. A demon appears and kills them, rescuing the child in return for his soul.
Two character's dead bodies are seen lying over each other.
In a fight scene, a man attempts to run another character over with a lawnmower.
A man smacks his rookie over the head with what looks to be hedge clippers.
A large group of characters perform a sequence which implies that they are undead, and took their own lives. (Later confirmed in the manga 'Black Butler'/'Kuroshitsuji')
A group of characters harass a transwoman, one telling her to kill herself. She ignores this, saying that love hurts. This is meant to be situational irony, and can be disturbing.
A man fires an over exaggerated bazooka at a group of characters, he also chases a mouse with it but accidentally fires it at a child who narrowly avoids being hit. This is meant to be comedic, and no one is hurt.
After tragically killing his lover in an accident, a man begs another man to kill him.
Durring a sequence, a man is attacked by the souls of the people that he killed. Another man taunts him as this happens, explaining that despite taking the lives of over 1,000 people, doing so was worthless. A man accidentally kills his lover.
A man is stabbed (possibly impaled). He dies instantly. This is upsetting.
In a sequence, a man whips two women he kidnapped.
A man lifts up a sleeping child to carry him to bed, before doing so, he reveals in a monologue he will one day take the child's soul not because of the contract he made with the child, but out of love. This is visually as well as emotionally disturbing.