Fanny und die gestohlene Frau_peliplat

Fanny und die gestohlene Frau (2016)

None | Germany | German | 88 min
Directed by: Mark Monheim

Easy to win, easy to lose: Unfortunately, Fanny can only be happy about the unexpected wealth for a short time. The tax office asks you to pay a lot for the inheritance tax. Because of the valuable property, she should pay far more than she was bequeathed in cash. Debt again - and her "crazy" half-brother Elias on the neck? She would like to get rid of him as soon as possible. A tempting offer is made by Dr. Tielsch: He would take care of the young man with Asperger's syndrome if Fanny sold the country house by the lake and half of the proceeds went to his sanatorium. Fanny immediately senses the chance to kill two birds with one stone and not have to respond to Tristan Hackenbusch's suggestion. He recommends that she recognize the deceased as the biological father. But Fanny wants to avoid that at all costs, not least so as not to take away her sisters' belief in the ideal family. Accordingly, she continues to pretend that she naturally rejected the "immoral" inheritance. Meanwhile, Kurt Basinski, whose deceased partner Anne wanted to bequeath him the house they lived in, shows up in the office. However, there is no legally binding will. Anne's son uses all his might to prevent his mother's new boyfriend from receiving the inheritance and attending the funeral. Fanny has a lot of sympathy for the grieving Kurt and once again solves things in her own way. She paints the world of inheritance issues in her very own colours.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Fanny und die gestohlene Frau
(Original title)
Fanny und die gestohlene Frau
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes