Los Angeles Kidnapping_peliplat

Los Angeles Kidnapping (2017)

None | USA, China | Mandarin, English | 90 min
Directed by: Fei Yang, Rachel Zhou

Delger graduated in Chinese Police University, his brother "Dumpling" was killed by a human organ trafficking organizations in two years ago. Delger is distraught, the only thing in his life is "Revenge". According to clues Delger comes to Los Angeles and lives in his good friend -- Gunner's Auto repair shop, he helps Gunner's business and drives Uber to makes some money for living expense, meanwhile, he never stop keeping looking for the new clue. Gunner's sister Meja Gu loves Delger so much and tries to use anyway to help him. One day, Meja brings her best friend Barbara Jin to repair shop to do a maintenance. However, when they leave and drive on the path, four gangsters holding guns stop them. Barbara is kidnapped. Barbara Jin's father Boss Jin is the richest Chinese businessman in Los Angeles. Boss Jin worries if the news is released, his business will be impacted, he will lose the rich life which he owns now. So Boss Jin decides to handle without the police. Finally, Delger, Meja and Gunner are involved in a rescue activities. As the investigation deepens, Delger finds there is a shocking family revenge which is between Boss Jin and Barbara behind in this kidnapped incident. After the truth is dug out. As this huge revenge tragedy's witness, when Delger faces to this tragic result, he starts to rethink how should he face the hatred in his heart, and what is the important thing in his life.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Los Angeles Kidnapping
(Original title)
Los Angeles Kidnapping
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes