Kranti: Changing Lives of Sex Workers_peliplat
Kranti: Changing Lives of Sex Workers_peliplat

Kranti: Changing Lives of Sex Workers (2016)

None | India | English | 5 min
Directed by: Aalambayan Siddharth

An Indian-American co-founded a nonprofit that empowers marginalized girls from Mumbai's red-light areas to become agents of social change. Robin Chaurasiya teaches girls aged between 12 and 20 and helps them prepare for international fellowships. Many of the Kranti girls are already making waves. If Shweta Katti is studying psychology in New York, Kavita Hosmani won a scholarship to travel on a ship, covering 12 countries over a period of six months. Robin was nominated for the Global Teacher Prize

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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