Dog Years_peliplat

Dog Years (2017)

None | UK | English | 88 min
Directed by: Rocky Rodriguez Jr.

A documentary about solidarity during the refugee crisis. A first hand account into the European refugee crisis told by the volunteers, first-responder's, refugees, NGOs, and locals who couldn't ignore the crisis. With debate from top academics, experts, and politicians clear the air, to finally separate the facts from the 'alternative facts'. Heart-warming, inspiring, thought provoking and sometimes intense, Dog Years is made for the people that were there, on or around, the front lines of the European refugee crisis. The people that faced it, experienced it, cried over it, cared about it, researched it. It's for the person who may have been a refugee before, for the person whose parents were refugees, and for the person who is a refugee now. It's for the people that have questions, have compassion, and want to hear answers. It's for the hordes of volunteers answered the call creating one of the largest expressions of solidarity in all of history. For people left with emotional scars, whose lives changed drastically. For everyone, who has helped a person, or wants to help people. For the revolutionary, for society, for solidarity. Dog Years will show you the truth and effect the crisis has on real people, tell you the stories, help you feel the human connection and the authenticity in people who experience these events. Rare footage, and interviews with the people there first, juxtaposed with expert analysis and debate from UK Politicians, Harvard professors, Cambridge professors, UNHCR /MSF coordinators, and Noam Chomsky; help reveal the facts about the refugee situation. "Every-day is like Dog Years, you experience the full range of human emotion, sometimes in a single hour.."

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Dog Years
(Original title)
Dog Years
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes