Endangered Species_peliplat

Endangered Species (2017)

None | USA | English | 34 min
Directed by: E.J. Lockett

This is a story about people who have lost control of their lives, their possessions, and their means of survival. It is a story of social and economic tragedies. A story of hate and the consequences that this emotion brings into our existence. "Endangered Species" is the story of a small group of survivors of a modern day "holocaust". It is a story about the will and desire to continue life. Set against a background of economic and social turmoil, "Endangered Species", dares to look at what could happen when those who practice hate, gain control of a nation's government. Throughout history, these groups have had many names. The "Order", as they are known in this scenario, have used two of their oldest allies, fear, and ignorance, to turn neighbors and friends into mortal enemies and even executioners. The ultimate goal of the Order is to create a country that is ethnically pure and free from any so-called "inferiors". People of their own race who stand in the way are treated as traitors against the movement. In the midst of what often appears to be an unstoppable force, there are those who choose to resist Endangered Species is also their story, as they bring hope to those who have lost what little they had. United by circumstance, their desire to escape to another part of the world, and a strong will to live, this small cell of survivors are part of a larger movement know as the "Resistance". They are the only evidence left of what was once a rich and ethnically diverse culture. The film is a testimony to the human spirit, as they discover, that life goes on.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Endangered Species
(Original title)
Endangered Species
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes