Home Street Home_peliplat

Home Street Home (2017)

None | USA | English | 14 min
Directed by: Tyler Hollinger, Robin Rose Singer

Home Street Home is the story of Dean Cummings, a homeless man who has been living in a box disguised as a dumpster for little over a year. Kitty-corner to the Chanel boutique at Spring and Wooster streets in Soho sits a vacant lot surrounded by a tall chain-link fence. Locked to the outside of the fence is what appears to be a black wooden Dumpster, tagged by a graffiti artist. It's the kind of thing you see all over the city and think nothing of. But this wooden bin doesn't hide trash cans - it houses Dean. In 2016 2 male models Shane Duffy and Phil; Sullivan went homeless to raise awareness. What they didn't expect was to find a friend. A week later the two tracked down Cummings and told him the truth: They weren't actually homeless. And they wanted to help. Duffy built the box at his contracting-business partner's New Hyde Park, LI, shop for $1,500, splashing out on pressure-treated wood meant to withstand New York City's winters. Then in 2017 NYPD carted away Dean's home and life. In return they issued a summons and a court date. Only time will tell exactly what will transpire and the bottom of this story is only yet being scratched.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Home Street Home
(Original title)
Home Street Home
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes