Fake mother_peliplat

Fake mother

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Directed by: Slony Sow
This title has not premiered yet

A teenager, Bridget, has been detained in the clinic facility to treat her anorexia. Her figure, however, shows that the treatment is not helping her illness. Her grandma, Colleen, wealthy woman owning professional basketball team, arranges releasing her secretly to Bridget's mother. Bridget knew the story about once a star player in Colleen's team, who traveled to the Japanese island, Kumejima, when he addicted to the drug and returned with mentally and physically sound. And Bridget made her decision to take her last chance to change herself and be released from the pain and anguish in her heart by traveling to Kumejima. Bridget's mother, Abril, lost her beloved husband in tragic accident a few years ago, has been suffering from immeasurable grief and despair. Lost her hope to live, she started drowning in drug and alcohol to escape from the pain, and her relation with Bridget had changed, and the rift between them became crucial and it hasn't restored since. Colleen convinced Abril to travel to Kumejima to take care of herself. As both Bridget and Abril spend own time, without knowing they are in same island, been healed from the pain in their hearts, they finally encounter each other, and Colleen joins them, adding the fuel to the fire. Watching over the situation, the owner family of guesthouse keeps interacting three American women with pure and thoughtful soul, and Bridget, Abril and Colleen start realizing their selfishness and finding true love as a family.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Fake mother
(Original title)
A Whale in My Stomach
Fake mother
USA (new title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes