The Virgin Vegan_peliplat

The Virgin Vegan (2016)

None | South Africa | Southern Sotho | 24 min
Directed by: Reabetswe Moeti

After spending 3 years in England completing her MBA studies, golden girl Thato has returned to her butchery owning, South African township home with a new diet. She's a vegan. At her welcome home dinner party, all is revealed...but not all is understood. A VEGAAN? VEGEEN? VIRGIN?? Misunderstanding and misinterpreting her new lifestyle as a vegan for the word 'virgin' her family want to believe she's changed her diet due to her virtue. They applaud her for her chastity but encourage her to eat some 'real' food to regain all that weight lost due to her UK student brokeness. They realise her changed attitude towards food but cannot fathom the decision not to eat certain loved foods, especially MEAT. Bombarded by her uncle's monologue lectures, and her little brother's negative taunts, her liberal aunt decides that the only way to release Thato's dietary tension is to get her laid. So her childhood friend chubby Jabu is secretly invited to try and spark a romance and possibly correct the vegan-ness. A helpless Jabu arrives awkwardly, getting caught in the middle of a dire situation with not much resolve for any of the concerned parties. Refusing to date Jabu and eventually frustrated, Thato puts an end to all the hysteria.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Virgin Vegan
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes