The Other Capulet_peliplat

The Other Capulet (2017)

None | USA | English | 18 min
Directed by: Afonso Henrique

Rosaline is not your typical New Yorker; she's had a curse passed down to her by her mother, who was on her death bed. For Rosaline to break her curse she needs to bear a son, unfortunately, it may be a little too late for her. Her only hope is meeting her one true love, a Prince Charming per say - the one who can help set her free from this curse. As Rosaline sits next to one of her latest victims, she contemplates on her day, her age, and her life from this point on. Forsaking her mother, for her state in the modern world, is one of her biggest conflicts, along with the fact that every man she meets, swoons over her immediately and eventually perishes. In the case of Romeo, who she unexpectedly meets, and falls head over heels for, it's a lot trickier for Rosaline than she foresees. After a defiant and persistent Romeo shows up at Rosaline's door, every day for two weeks, charming her with smiles and tea, Rosaline thinks Romeo can possibly be the one to break and save her from this life sentence. When Rosaline finally agrees to go out with Romeo, the night is the most magical she's had in forever. As the night winds down, Rosaline finds herself feeling saved, Romeo is the one. Sadly enough, Rosaline's, moment of hope, vanishes when Romeo faces the same fate as the others. Rosaline is forever damned to be alone.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(New York City, New York) (premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Other Capulet
(Original title)
The Other Capulet
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes