Ten and a Half Minutes_peliplat

Ten and a Half Minutes

None | USA |
Directed by: Iyad Hajjaj
This title has not premiered yet

As Abraham Qadi, a devout family man and film industry professional, begins his day teaching his acting class in Los Angeles, he receives a call from his cousin, Selma, visiting from Mexico that she has just arrived to southern California. He dismisses his class and rushes to pick her up at the airport. Selma is a television celebrity of some renown, as is Abraham a success in his own right in Hollywood as an actor and filmmaker. The family reunites at Abraham's home in Chino Hills. Meanwhile, Luther Tilson, an unstable drug addict, attacks and nearly kills his live-in girlfriend, Melinda, in Riverside. With a determined SWAT officer hot on his heels, Luther flees in a drug-induced panic, stealing cars and going on a journey of mayhem, landing him at last in Chino Hills - and invading Abraham's house in the early morning hours. An odyssey of terror commences as Luther threatens death and destruction to Abraham's entire family while destroying most of Abraham's home. It is only through resourceful thinking and manipulation that Abraham and his wife, Karen, who remains on the line with 911 for ten and a half minutes until rescue arrives, that Abraham is able to save his entire family and vanquish the force of evil that resides in Luther, ending in a shoot-out with police outside his home.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Ten and a Half Minutes
(Original title)
Ten and a Half Minutes
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes