We Killed Brian Noble_peliplat

We Killed Brian Noble (2017)

None | UK | English | 22 min
Directed by: Max McLachlan, Michael Upson

The University of East Gloucestershire prides itself on its daily student newspaper, but there's not always a lot happening at the campus. Student union elections, football matches, missing parrots, nothing out of the ordinary, that is until the body of poor Ralph Sansum is found in the football training grounds. All of a sudden The Hannity becomes the world's no. 1 source for info on the mysterious killings on the mundane uni campus. In this dry, dark comedy, Alex, a student journalist, is pushed to see where to draw the line on the morality of journalism. Alex is frustrated working at The Hannity. It may be good to put on the CV to have worked at the only student's newspaper that's daily, but so much of their time is being taken up to cover stories of no interest and no consequence. However, after the first suspected murder occurs, Alex finds they might just be the only one able to get to the bottom of the case. They piece together the clues the police seem to be ignoring, and when the second body appears, they think they've found their suspect.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
We Killed Brian Noble
(Original title)
We Killed Brian Noble
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes