Temptations Again_peliplat

Temptations Again

None | Canada |
Directed by: Aashish Chanana
This title has not premiered yet

Director Aashish Chanana's 2015 short neo-noir thriller film, Temptations wove a complex web of suspicion, ulterior motives, and betrayal between four people in Vancouver: dead supermodel Victoria Broder; her publisher husband David Broder; his married lawyer (and Victoria's lover) Felton Lesley-Kennel; and the enigmatic Nicole Word, a young woman whose innocent appearance masks a sly, ruthless ambition. The film ended with Felton under arrest for Victoria's murder, and the real culprits - duplicitous lovers David and Nicole - on the run and at large. The story continues at a secluded beachfront resort, where fugitives David and Nicole enjoy a decadent celebratory "honeymoon," impervious to fears of arrest thanks to David's great wealth and powers of bribery. Meanwhile, having discovered the truth, Vancouver Detectives Branch and Hundley debrief and release Felton - despondent and facing a ruined personal life in the wake of his extramarital affair - while confirming that David managed to extract several million dollars in cash before his bank accounts could be frozen. Amidst their idyllic sojourn, David and Nicole encounter a stunningly beautiful woman named Sofia. Nicole is immediately, irresistibly drawn to her glamor, mystery and wealth, and goes out of her way to befriend gorgeous Sofia. A flirtatious pursuit culminates in a romantic - encounter between the two women. David is in for the shock of his life - watch out for another twisty thriller TEMPTATIONS Again.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Temptations Again
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes