Sergio Corbucci: L'uomo che ride_peliplat
Sergio Corbucci: L'uomo che ride_peliplat

Sergio Corbucci: L'uomo che ride (2015)

T (IT) | Italy | Italian | 54 min
Directed by: Gioia Magrini, Roberto Meddi

One of the most prolific and eclectic filmmakers in Italian cinema: in the course of his forty-year career, Sergio Corbucci made over seventy films with forays into every possible genre, from "sword-and-sandals" to horror, from comedy to detective stories, from musicals to westerns. Borrowing from the director's unpublished autobiography, the documentary uses repertory materials from the Istituto Luce and private amateur photographs and videos, relying on the accounts of friends and collaborators and in particular of his wife Nori.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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