The Mysterious Death of Lord Harrington_peliplat

The Mysterious Death of Lord Harrington

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Danny Patrick
This title has not premiered yet

Lord Harrington accompanied by his daughter Lady Elizabeth and his heir Master Callum Harrington, have invited his company board members to the Opera. Lord Harrington's board members are expecting him to announce his private shipping company is going public, giving them more power and individual wealth. However shocks them by announcing his company is folding and keeping the profits, leaving them stunned and very angry. That night as Lord Harrington travels to the port in a horse drawn cab with his children they are attacked and hunted by a supernaturally large wolf-like animal; Lord Harrington is killed defending himself against the creature, but saves Lady Elizabeth and Callum who barely escape with their lives. Lady Elizabeth summons the board to their Island home for the will reading, but instead tells them that she has canceled the ferries and that they will stay on the island during that weekend. She suspects all of them following the death of her father and has investigated each board member finding dead bodies in their wake, Lady Elizabeth believes by the manner those victims died that they were most likely murdered and that possibly one of the board members may be the werewolf that attacked them. She plans to discover which board member it is, hunt them down and kill them, but with everyone lying to her and the full moon approaching will even she survive until morning.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Mysterious Death of Lord Harrington
(Original title)
The Mysterious Death of Lord Harrington
The Mysterious Death of Lord Harrington
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes