Culpa Tuya
Beauty in Black
From Dusk Till Dawn
Barriga de Aluguel
Rosario Tijeras
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
The Big Sick
Alex & Emma
TV adaptation of famous play "Cyrano de Bergerac", performed by Mossovet theater.
Ser Dzhon Falstaf
Meshchanin vo dvoryanstve
Balalaykin i Ko
The Taming of the Shrew
Beshenyye dengi
Tsisqvili qalaqis gareubanshi
To'ylar muborak
Sady skorpiona
Selo Stepanchikovo i yego obitateli
Shvidi patara motkhroba pirvel sikvarulze
The Sentimental Policeman
Assia and the Hen with the Golden Eggs
One Day in Europe
Three Stories
Khrustalyov, My Car!
The Wedding
Zivot a neobycejna dobrodruzstvi vojaka Ivana Conkina
Country of the Deaf
Otdat kontsy
Free Floating
Doroga na
A Railway Station for Two
Svadebnoye puteshestviye pered svadboy
Kidnapping of the Century
Primite Adama!
Ochen vazhnaya persona
Bezumnyy den inzhenera Barkasova
Magiya chyornaya i belaya
Zudov, vy uvoleny
Neveroyatnoye pari, ili istinnoye proisshestviye, blagopoluchno zavershivsheyesya sto let nazad
Istoriya odnogo podzatylnika
Kultpokhod v teatr