A group of prostitutes wait upon their pimp.
Women with ample bust/cleavage model form fitting evening gowns. A police man inappropriately touches a woman under the guise of a body search (comic i nature). Poster of a nude woman( slightly obscure). Friday goes into a gay bar. One kissing scene, sex is implied. Backstage at a fashion house women are in various stages of undress, including topless. Bare breasts are seen for about five seconds.
One shower scene depicting a woman naked from the waist up. She is shown in several shots during the scene from the front, side back, and back.
One scene depicting a man and a woman in a tub together. Breasts are shown. A later scene depicting simulated sex between the man and woman, with brief shots exposing her breasts.
We see a guy (a comic foil) touching Friday in an inappropriate way, trying to con her into prostitution. The women he has, prostitutes, are also borderline revealing. Hard R sexual content (minus sex and nudity).
The cops, in one scene, try to grope Friday. Borderline rape.
Two times during an extended multiple shot scene, breasts are shown. In the first a woman's dress is pulled down in a fashion show changing room, exposing her breasts which is seen from the side. In another shot of the same dressing room a woman is standing near the front of the shot with her breasts exposed (she is changing dresses) and are seen from the side.