Gates of Heaven_peliplat
Gates of Heaven_peliplat
Play trailer

Gates of Heaven (1978)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 85 min
Directed by: Errol Morris

The men who run a pet cemetery, and the men and women who bury their pets, become the subject of this documentary. We first meet Floyd McClure, a paraplegic with a dream to create a pet cemetery. One inspiration is the death of his collie years before; and the other is the local rendering plant, which turns animals into glue. He realizes his dream, only to see it fail. Then we visit a successful pet cemetery, run by a father and his two sons. One is a frustrated musician, nursing a broken heart. The other is joining the family business after selling insurance in Salt Lake City. Throughout, we also meet the people who have buried their pets.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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