The Great Alligator_peliplat
The Great Alligator_peliplat

The Great Alligator (1979)

Not Rated (US) | Italy | Italian, English | 88 min
Directed by: Sergio Martino

A tourist resort in Africa finds itself at the mercy of a huge man-eating crocodile from a local native legend which the croc is the incarnation of a native god angered by the intrusion of the tourists on its nesting ground. After a group of indigenous natives are subsequently killed and eaten, the rest that are still alive naturally blame the tourists and they set out to kill them. All while the survivors try to rally on a boat with the hungry crocodile in the water, and the blood-thirsty natives wanting retribution on land waiting for them.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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