The protagonist is suicidal.
He attempts to hang himself from the ceiling, but fails. His second attempt destroys the ceiling and causes the entire building to collapse; played for laughs.
The second time that our hero tries to kill himself is by using a loaded gun and a door to activate it with string attached to the trigger. After a room attendant knocks on the door (which is locked), he opens it setting the gun off - which shoots at the television screen, killing one of the cowboys in a western movie being televised. The other cowboy retorts by shooting the man, killing him. No blood.
During the opening credits, the protagonist enters a therapist's office slipping on the floor and sliding off the vinyl furniture. Other chaos is caused in the office. Comical.
Some punching.
The plane's door is opened and several people fall out (presumably to their deaths). A grenade is then set off, destroying the plane.
A lama character is placed in the operating room to repair a ruptured spleen and is asked for no anesthetic. No blood or gore, but some details are given about the procedure. An incision is made and the man shouts in pain, running out of the room.
A psychiatrist accidentally falls off a building and is seen in body casts; other details mentioned about the accident are exaggerated.
A police car explodes.
The third time that our hero attempts suicide is by driving the car off a cliff. He gets out of the car and stabilizes it, before grabbing a tank of gasoline of the trunk. The car ultimately goes off the cliff, destroying it. He dumps the gasoline onto himself, but realizes he doesn't have matches - forcing him to walk.