A man is impaled by a many pointed trap.
A man is implied to seek to sexually assuallt two other people, he subsequently is shot in the groin.
Dynamite explodes in various scenes, in one scene it seems to explode and kill two men.
A motorbike crashes and rolls with men onboard and explodes.
An aircraft crashes and explodes with a man onboard.
A man falls amongst Crocodiles to be eaten in a Crocodile pit.
Men are shot at point blank range - no gore.
A person is tortured by heat over lava.
A man is traped in a gigantc spider web and the enormous spider slowly approaches and starts consuming him - no gore.
A man falls into a water trap and drowns.
A crushing death trap starts to slowly drop onto an enclosed space threatening to kill people, then water starts to fill the chamber threatening to drown them (A snake is also introduced into the scene).
A witch jumps into Lava and explodes into fire.
A man is intentionally buried alive under rocks.
A man steps ona trap and is taken by what appears to be a monster/hippo, and is ravaged by it in drowning.
A man is set on fire by a torch, then aflls into Lava and explodes.