This movie tends to be violent in several scenes. People are being shot and killed throughout the film.
Two men play fighting in the opening scene. Nothing serious.
Several teenagers, including the main character's daughter, are shot and killed. We see their corpses afterwards.
A man pours hot coffee on a man's leg, and puts his head inside a freezer for a while.
A man is thrown from a building, and dies some seconds later.
A man is pushed and thrown around a room with some blood on his face. His hand is seen getting shot, with clearly visible blood.
A woman gets shot in the stomach. However, she survives.
There is a car chase. A car falls in the water. Later on, man is shot in the eye, and kicked in the water.
A man is garrotted, blood is seen around his throat.
A man shoots another man in the kneecaps, and puts a grenade on a LP. We later see an explosion, but it is implied that the shot man would have been killed.