No graphical nudity show on screen. An off screen sex scene. A picture of woman see in lingerie. A mild kissing scene.A babe chest man show.
Vinny is sort of a womanizer and sex maniac. He tells Michael he once hit on Ellie. He's seen wildy making out with Irene in the backseat of his car and the car is shaking. They are interrupted by Michael on the car radio. They both fully clothed. Later she tries to kiss while he's driving he spurns her advances. He also tries to hit on a female police while having his mug shot taken. She rebuffs him. A woman suppose to be cleopatras throw a flower at him. He picks it up and smells and says danger makes great sex.
Irene uses some kind workout pump for hands and arms thinking it's gonna make her breasts bigger. She lifts up her blouse to look at them. They stay covered.
After Michael saves Ellie they get close and Vinny tells them it's no time for romance.
Some kissing. Michael kisses Crystal on the shoulder. Later he makes out with Ellie.
After Michael falls into a pit at the airplane junk yard Ellie holds up a flashlight so he can see. They way she is leaning over you can down her dress but it's dark and blurry. Can't really make out anything. But we can see a clear view of her cleavage when she is laying on her bed looking at magazines.
Vinny talks about shooting the cromagnum man in the chongs. Referring to it's male parts
Michaels dad is seen shirtless and in his boxer shorts.
Vinny and Irene are scene making out wildly in the back seat of his car with some thrusting shown. His car is bouncing around. They are both fully clothed, no nudity seen. They are interrupted by Michael on the radio. While he's driving she tries to kiss him but he tells her he's not in the mood anymore. Vinny talks about hitting on Ellie and later tries to hit on a police woman.
During the fight in the seen wear the guys save a captured man in Vietnam, one of the bad guys his hit in the groin. He yells out.