A family is massacred by a group of ninja, moderately graphic injury detail but mostly bloodless contact.
A man is stabbed in the eye with a throwing star and falls into a water fountain. A large pool of blood diffuses through the water and we see the gruesome aftermath of his eye, somewhat graphic.
A man is shot in the back with a poison dart, we see the poison spreading through his skin.
A woman is stabbed leaving a large pool of dark red blood.
A man is kicked in the head and a large amount of blood flies out of his mouth.
A rapist is strangled with razorwire, dark red cuts around his neck.
Some characters have tyre puncture spikes thrown in their face leaving them with bloody wounds.
The bloodshed in this film is more realistic than exploitative, blood is often dark red in color and with the exception of one scene, there is no prolonged hosing of blood from wounds. Some of the injury detail is graphic.
A woman is drowned in a bathtub after her lover was killed by a poison dart in the middle of making love.
"Revenge of the Ninja" has a high amount of violence, much of it rather graphic and bloody. In one scene, a child is killed graphically with a ninja star to the head. Other acts of violence throughout are usually caused by deadly ninja weapons such as swords, stars, mini-spears, darts, and wires.