A man is stabbed in the stomach and killed with a jackhammer. The jackhammer is stabbed into the man's stomach and is seen puncturing through a back wall. A fair bit of blood is shown, including bleeding from the mouth.
We see a character at the beginning executed in an electric chair. We see blood on his face. He also throws a preacher through a window in the same scene.
A character is burned to death with a flame thrower in the stall of a bathroom. We do see charred remains of this body.
A woman is strangled with a pageant sash.
We overhear a tape of the villain attacking a group of people.
A decapitated head is seen sitting on a copy machine. Bloody photos of his cut up head are all over the floor, and bloody hand prints appear all over the copy room walls.
Another man is shown electrocuted in the electric chair. We see his face slowly burn and shrivel up, as his eye pops.
A man is hanged.
A large man is lit on fire and blown up with gasoline.
One man is severely beat by the villain, and is seen in a coma at the end of the movie.