L'entraînement du champion avant la course_peliplat
L'entraînement du champion avant la course_peliplat

L'entraînement du champion avant la course (1991)

None | France | French | 80 min
Directed by: Bernard Favre

Fabrice is a knacker ;he's got three women in his life: two mistresses and one wife.Fabrice is a right-wing mediocre man even if he is not interested in politics(he is a sadistic man,he supports death penalty).He's selfish , possessive,violent.He did never feel any love for any of his women.He finds his pleasure in bike riding ,his way to escape from his second-rate position..But do not let the title fool you;there's no competition,no will to become a champion.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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