There is some animated violence, but it is very tame in comparison to such animated films like "Watership Down." (See Frightening/Intense Scenes for the details.)
Rover props up and manipulates the body of a dead turkey that has had its neck broken and partially severed. Although the scene is played comically, it is very cartoony for a kids' film, especially one that is rated "G".
A man takes a dog out with the intent to shoot it (he does not)
A man is attacked by wolves; we see the wolf charge at the man and grab the barrel of his rifle. Startled, the man fires a shot into the air and the scene cuts away.
A dog fends off three wolves; we see a large log roll towards a wolf and corner him at a tree, and it is implied the wolf is crushed between the log and the trunk of the tree. The scene is played comically.
A man kicks and strikes a dog in several scenes.
A man grabs a woman by the wrist and jerks her forward, he is then attacked by the woman's dog.