Lots of cheap bloody violence throughout -
A mans penis is bitten off (blood sprays on the wall) then it's spit out.
A mans throat is bitten blood sprays out (graphic).
A woman has her throat slashed (blood sprays on the walla, etc.) the blood is licked off the woman's face a little.
A woman spits blood on the camera lens.
A zombie grabs a mans legs.
A zombie grabs a man the zombie is kicked and smacked falls down and has green foam come out of his mouth.
A zombie is hit by a car the car hits into another car and the zombie is thrown off.
A mans penis falls out of the car hit.
A mans neck is bitten (no blood).
A car rolls down the hill and crashes.
A man gets out of the car and falls down.
A decapitated head is thrown out of a trunk, when we see it again it has green foam coming out of its mouth.
The zombies headless body has a stick stabbed (blood is seen).
The head is kicked into a river.
A man is shot and falls down, blood seen.
Another man is shot and falls down.
Another man runs and is shot, he falls down.
A woman is attacked by a zombie and her throat is bitten (bloody)
A zombie is shot, some blood.
A zombie is shot.
A man is pushed down.
A man is chocked to death.
A zombie has their head cut off (non graphic or bloody, you see the head roll)
A zombie graphically has his legs cut off, bloody sprays out and is all over, the goriest scene in the movie.