Female topless nudity (in a photograph shown twice), numerous sexual comments or references, but no sex scenes and no male nudity.
In the opening scene, the details of a dream are retold to a marriage counselor and include a man's dismembered penis. Played for laughs. No nudity.
By chance, a woman accidentally touches her husband's clothed erection then jokes about their being affectionate.
A kiss.
A married woman had an extramarital affair a few years back, which is referred to several times throughout. At one point her husband becomes jealous of her talking to a man and tells her to "have oral sex while I wait in the car."
Some sexual slang, such as "dick" and "cock" (both used about 3 times).
A husband again becomes jealous of his (once unfaithful) wife's conversation with a man and accuses her of wanting to have sex with him.
There is no male nudity in the film.
A compromising photograph being developed in a dark room shows a fully dressed man with two topless women, one on either side of him. Breasts are clearly visible. It is briefly, and in smaller scale, shown again later, but less obvious.
Lieutenant Huff says to a group of people that, "The only time his office is called is when your faggot dogs start humping each other without permission." He later tells Bob that he slept with his wife a while ago; "Three times, Bob. She said you never went three times, Bob."
One man remarks that another man mistakenly took the smell of cat urine for semen.