A car drives through the barrier of a bridge and unrealistically crashes onto a car below. No blood and no drivers are seen hurt.
A man slaps another man.
A bunch of surgeons perform surgery on a man. We see the surgeons only in medium and close-up shots, their gloves covered in blood, a shot of a small piece of an organ shown (brief), a shot of small amount of blood inside a small plastic pipe and a few close-up shots of the patient as they look at the heart monitor. They successfully saved the patient.
Ram's mother dies from cough.
A young man gets into a fight with a bunch of men with headbutts, punches, kicks, slamming heads onto cars, dragging him to the floor, kicking his head and punching him with very unrealistic sound effects.
A young man crashes onto a table by Ram. He gets hit a few times and gets picked up by Ram and crashes onto the floor without details of blood or bruises.
Ram fights against a group of young men in different ways, mostly punching and kicking. One gets his head bashed on a bar table a few times. Blood is shown on his eye under one second. One gets kicked in the groin and gets thrown at a window. All the young men return to their homes with injuries, mild blood on their faces.
A woman gets shot by a rapist.
A man gets his hand bitten and his face scratched. We see the marks.
A car chase happens with a man driving away from other men and crashes through a restaurant.
A bunch of surgeons perform surgery on a patient. Minimal blood is shown on one of the surgeons' gloves and on the another surgeons' hand when he gives a thumbs up gesture.
A silent crowd of men watch a guy smacking a man's hand on TV.
An elderly prisoner shoots a prison guards and threatens two prison guards to put their guns down. When Ram escapes, he gets caught. An elderly prisoner shoots them.
A young boy from an audience throws a stone at a man on stage.
A man gets chased by a huge crowd. A few people from the crowd gets killed by his friends. Blood is seen exploding on them. The scene ends with two men getting pushed into the fire together.
There are scenes of frequent and prolong violent scenes throughout.
A man gets burnt alive.