A librarian pretends he was stabbed in the back by a killer, he "falls" over and a dagger surrounded by bloody skin is seen. The main characters later pretend to be zombies with gory, realistic makeup, and also as a joke have someone bound and gagged with fake organs.
Suggested MPAA Rating: PG-13 for scary images, blood and gore (even if it's fake), and some suggestive content.
Two boys are shown watching a horror movie at a movie theater; one character in the movie is attacked by a gross looking creature who forces the man's head down into the sink where the blade of a large kitchen knife is sticking up in the drain; the camera shifts back to the two boys at the movie theater just as the man in the movie is impaled in the face (implied; everyone at the movie theater screams as it happens, but nothing is actually shown).
Two boys are nearly attacked by a vicious dog, but manage to get away.
A man pulls a gun to a boy, but is hit by a car before he can pull the trigger.