The Bottle Imp_peliplat

The Bottle Imp (1917)

None | USA | None | 50 min
Directed by: Marshall Neilan

Lopaka, a poor Hawaiian fisherman, falls in love with Kokua, a young girl of royal blood. Her irascible father refuses her hand until Lopaka can bring him two feather cloaks, an impossible stipulation, as no one not of royal blood can touch a cloak under penalty of death. Rollis, a drunken sailor, tries to steal the girl, but is driven away by Lopaka. He then concludes to go to Devil's Mountain and snare the bird from which the feathers for the cloaks are obtained. He goes to the volcano but finds no bird. He encounters an old dying priest of Pele, who agrees to give him a wishing bottle in which Kono, a brother of Pele, is confined. Kono will grant any wish to the bottle's owner, but anyone dying with the bottle in his possession will go to hell and the bottle must be sold for less than paid for it, otherwise it will come back with its menace. Lopaka wishes for wealth and servants and his humble hut turns into a beautiful palace. Kokua and her father join the crowd in front of the palace and the father readily gives her in marriage to Lopaka. Lopaka sells the bottle to his friend, Makale, but angers the Bottle Imp and is stricken with leprosy so that he cannot marry. He finds Makale has sold the bottle and it passes through many hands, but he is unable to secure it again. Each time the bottle is sold for less, being sold for the smallest coin. Rollins gains possession of the bottle and is about to steal Kokua when Lopaka rushes to her aid and the two men fight and fall from a high cliff into the sea, where Lopaka strangles the sailor. With the death of Rollins, the last owner of the bottle, the Imp is freed and goes back to his mountain and the dead volcano gushes forth lava and flames. The gorgeous raiment of Lopaka and Kokua fade into their old rags; the wonderful palace vanishes, but the two are happy together in the fisherman's little hut.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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(Rio de Janeiro, premiere)
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Bottle Imp
(Original title)
O pescador Lopaka
Sydhavets Aladdin
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes