The Woman's Side_peliplat
The Woman's Side_peliplat

The Woman's Side (1922)

None | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: J.A. Barry

Judge Gray, who is running for governor, is supported by Theodore Van Ness, Sr., prominent newspaper publisher, with the understanding that he has a clean record. His opponent, Bob Masters, is attorney for Mrs. Gray in securing a "framed" divorce from the judge on the grounds of desertion and mental cruelty. The judge's daughter, Mary, meets Theodore, Jr., and falls in love with him, though he is unaware of her identity until his father threatens, at the behest of Masters, to publish the story of Gray's divorce. Overhearing a conversation between Gray and Masters, Mary, unable to secure help from her mother, goes to Masters' office and threatens suicide unless he retracts the story. Gray forces Masters, at gunpoint, to have the story retracted, and the ex Mrs. Gray, in a jealous rage, shoots at Masters and wounds Mary. Masters is beaten in the election; Mary recovers and is engaged to Van Ness, Jr.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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